
Health care is vital, but difficult to access due to the remoteness in Dolpo. The DTCF supports the health of the Himalayan population with a free annual winter clinic, maintaining health stations in Dolpo and supplying them with medication and vaccines.

In order to establish an opportunity for basic health care, the DTCF has offered a free annual winter clinic in Kathmandu at the Stupa Community Hospital since 2008. For six weeks, a medical consultation with a Tibetan translator is offered there in order to make diagnoses and initiate healing treatments. In particular, elderly people, women and children can receive at least annual health care in this way. This has already shown a positive impact on the health of the people in Dolpo.

Likewise, emphasis is placed on encouraging the population to take maintaining their health seriously by educating them about health measures. Basic dental care is also provided.

Because, for reasons still unknown, hepatitis B virus (HBV) is widespread in the Dolpo region, DTCF, together with other aid organizations, initiated systematic blood testing and mass vaccination for the Dolpo population for the first time.

In the first phase, around 5,000 inhabitants participated in the hepatitis B screening. In the second phase, the negative persons were vaccinated, so that in Dho-Tarap, Tingyu and Chharka Village, approximately 1,100 persons are currently fully vaccinated against HBsAg.

Apart from the primary health stations, there is no allopathic health care for the population in Dolpo. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to equip the health stations with a stable supply of medicines. Otherwise, there is a risk that patients will die from simple diseases that can be treated with medication.

Since 2015, the DTCF has been supplying three health stations with the basic medicines and relief supplies specifically needed for one year and organizing the costly transport to the region. Since 2023, the salaries for the health personnel in the health stations have also been financed together with the HUMAN Foundation.

Here are some examples of projects:

„Free Dolpo Winterclinic“ in Boudha, Kathmandu

During the winter months many people from Dolpo come down to Kathmandu to escape the harsh winter, but also to receive medical treatment, which they cannot access at home and where Tibetan medicine is not sufficient. About 70% of the population is illiterate and many do not speak Nepali, so going to a regular doctor is impossible without the help of a translator. But even with a translator misunderstandings around the nature of the illness or how the medicine should be taken, can arise.

Therefore the DTCF started the Free Winterclinic in 2008, where health staff from Dolpo assist an appointed doctor in the care of the individual needs. They look after the patients and visit specialists with them to encourage further treatment. This helps the patients to save money and the nurses gain more experience. The Camp also helps to collect some data about the prevalent health problems in Dolpo. Since 2012 the patients have also received vaccinations, such as for Hepatitis B and Typhus. Since 2014 homeopathic treatments as well as physiotherapy have been added to the program.

Costs 2023: 10.600 Euro / 11,400 USD



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Due to Corona pandemic restrictions, the Winterclinic cannot take place in early 2021

DTCF statement (PDF)

Medical studies of Yungdrung Magli Budha

Yungdrung worked as one of the first nurses in Phuksomdo/Dolpo between 2011 and 2013. There she developed the desire to study medicine in order to be able to help even more effectively in her home country. She returned to Kathmandu, obtained a high school diploma and started her medical studies in Pokhara at the beginning of 2016.
She completed her undergraduate studies at the end of 2017 and has been receiving her clinical training since the beginning of 2018.

The entire study cost 70.000 Euro and ended in 2021.

In 2020 after her undergraduate studies, Ms. Magli completed a one-year internship. Since 2021, she has been working in a hospital in Kathmandu to gain work experience. Currently, she is preparing for the December 2023 entrance exam for advanced medical studies (GPMD).

Promoting Menstrual Hygiene in Dolpo

(Awareness & Eco-friendly pads distribution)

Eco-sanitary set

In the remote Himalayan region of Dolpo, managing menstruation effectively and with dignity has been challenging for girls and women as it will not need only accessibility to facilities like water and sanitation, but also accessibility of clean clothes and sanitary pads.

Therefore, in collaboration with a volunteer group called “Gompa Dhangpo” in English which means “First Step”, which is initiated by some of the first generation of educated and enthusiastic youths from Chharka Tangshong Rural Municipality, the Dolpo Tulku Charitable Foundation(DTCF) is arranging to distribute 600 pieces of reusable sanitary pads simultaneously raising awareness on menstruation hygiene practices and also inspiring these underprivileged women and girls to use Eco- sanitary pads which is advantageous from both environmental and financial perspectives.

Costs: 3.625 Euro / 4,000 USD

Medical care for the region of Saldang/Karang/Namdö

During 2015, two nurses called Yangdi Sherpa and Sonam Lama, were sent into Upper Dolpo. Sonam Lama stays mainly in Saldang, which is the largest village in the area. Yangdi Sherpa is stationed in Karang and visits the neighbouing villages like Namdö regularly. The nurses work closely with the local schools and receive food and lodging there.

The DTCF bears the costs for the medicines and their transport, whilst other organisations provide the wages, the food and the medical equipment.

Costs 2020: 5.500 € / 6.615 USD

Hepatitis B Vaccination in Dolpo

A mass Hepatitis Vaccination was conducted for the 1st time in the history of Dolpo in 2020. A total of 1.327 people of Dolpo Buddha Rural Municipality & Chharka Village were vaccinated against Hepatitis B in collaboration with the NPOs Vision Dolpo, Upaya Zen Center and Ek Ek Paila.

Costs 2020: 2.615 € / 3.145 USD

Stewardship for elderly people

The DTCF started a sponsorship programme for elderly people in 2013. At present, the care home has been the residence of four senior citizens and a daughter of one elderly lady, who needs to be with her 74 years visually impaired mother. They cannot return to Dolpo due to health reasons and because of adverse circumstances, they cannot fully support themselves financially.

Traditionally the family cares for their older members, but in the case of these people it is not possibly out of various reasons. If the need arises and more sponsors are available, the DTCF will expand the project.

Costs 2020: 1.860 € / 2.236 USD

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Support for traditional Tibetan doctors

Since 2017, the DTCF has been supporting local doctors in the villages of Dho Tarap, Nyisal and Mukot, who still master and apply the methods of traditional Tibetan medicine.

Annual costs: 1.350 Euro / 1,500 USD

Emergency support for medical expenses

Many of the Dolpo people do not have sufficient funds to pay for complex medical procedures and treatments. The DTCF supports after careful consideration all worthy requests.

Annual costs: 2.700 Euro / 3,000 USD

Renovation of the Health Station Men-Tse Kang in Dho Tarap

The DTCF is supporting the renovation of a health station in Dho Tarap, which is dedicated since 2004 to practice Tibetan medicine as well as preserving and spreading the wisdom of this ancient tradition. Due to heavy rainfalls related to climate change the main building and the green house were beverly damaged and could not be rebuild until now, due to a lack of funds. To ensure the continued service to the local population the DTCF is participating in providing some of the funds.

Estimated costs: 5.500 Euro / 7,000 USD

How you can support our charity projects in “Health”

Because many of Dolpo Tulku Charitable Foundation’s charitable projects are ongoing, financial and other support is urgently needed. The DTCF can only accomplish much because donors like you take heart and support the mission of the DTCF! Please continue to donate so generously and regularly. Thank you so much!

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